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Recent Posts
IBEX and Tolpuddle – Why we have a link to a Trade Union website.
A few years ago I was involved in a two day get-together of a few Methodist Industrial Chaplains and some Trades Union organisers. As an...
Help and Kindness
Where can you find out about the Warm Hubs near where you live in Dorset? One answer is the wonderful website Help and Kindness, which...
Church in Community Officer, Tim, says farewell to IBEX after 5 years
After 5 years the time has come for Tim to lay down IBEX duties, as Church in Community Officer. A number observant among will recall...
A Post-Pandemic Reality Check
Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things...
Chaplaincy Initiative: Sneak Peak
One of the main thrusts of what IBEX is about is Chaplaincy. This was brought home to me on the first Sunday of Lent when I was preaching...
Site Sights: URC Buildings Forum
IBEX is aware we are but one of many sources of information and help in developing wider engagement for faith and community...
An Insight into Citizens Advice Employment Unit Dorset
It was good to welcome Sarah Campbell to the recent open meeting of Dorchester Poverty Action to talk about the Employment Unit of...
To B Corps, or not to B Corps, is that the question for the Future of the Corporation?
We promised ongoing reflection on the Future of the Corporation, and in attending their February 2021 online conference, we heard many...
Blog: Blog
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