Based on the South Coast, our purpose is to communicate, challenge and share good practice in Chaplaincy and other core activities.
Faith communities have an enormous part to play in the creation of the fabric of society.
IBEX supports churches and the community by looking at both ends of the spectrum: from a faith and economic perspective.

We implement our mission through four key objectives:
IBEX influences by:
•Seeking out sources of information and sharing good practice, making people aware of help and support that is out there.
See our How To section for more.
•Linking our economic aims with Biblical concepts.
Sign up for our newsletter here.
•Challenging social and economic injustice through blogs, meetings and seminars.
•Engaging forums and groups, giving a faith perspective. Such as the Action Hampshire.
•Encouraging churches and individuals to be more challenging about issues of economic and social action.
Read our blogs to find out how we do this.
•Encouraging people to look out and look up beyond our own area, developing a God perspective.
IBEX briefs by:
•Reflecting, distilling and getting thought provoking articles out via the newsletter and social media.
Subscribe here.
•Attending conferences and turning the learning into action.
Such as the British Academy's The Future of the Corporation.
Sign up to receive our newsletter to access articles before anyone else!
•Sharing articles and information from third parties.
Have you read our blog by Brian Wilkins?
•Talk to people in terms they understand.
Have you read our blog by the Secret Church Treasurer?
IBEX enables by:
•Supporting chaplaincy groups.
See how we can support your chaplaincy here.
•Supporting using Church space effectively to support the community.
Check out our How To's for how to set up a food bank, café, rent your space, and more!
•Sign posting to organisations and support for new projects.
Contact us here to learn more.
•Encouraging Churches to learn from the latest economic and social thinking. Putting them in touch with organisations and groups to work with.